I guess my point on all of this is that a lot of racism is unconscious. We started class talking about how everyone is a little bit racist and I would just like to give my opinion as to why that is. There was a social psych research article published (this weekend I will try to find it on PsychInfo) about racist and the subconscious. It was a study done where many participants (who were considered "not racist" by a psych test, were put in a situation where two children seemed to be in danger. One child was of the participant's heritage and the other was not. They person had time to save one child, and every time, the participant chose the to save the child of the same heritage as he or she.
The reasoning for this is as human beings, we have a desire to pass our genes on. This is why we have a sex drive, etc. So, to protect our genes, we most closely relate to those who have similar genes as us. We may not be "racist", but we all have a unconscious desire to pass on our genes.
On another note, everyone stereotypes. We judge people on the way they dress, the way they speak, the way they act. It also may be a subconscious thing, and it may not be bad. If someone is dressed nicely at a job interview, the employer may feel that the person takes care of their body, is organized and smart when in reality the person may just like fashion or even be a little materialistic.
I'm just starting to ramble now, but I guess my point is that yes, we all categorize people. That is how our brains work. And, yes, we are all a little bit racist, even if it is not the classic definition of racist.