Monday, April 27, 2009

Little Women

So Thursday in class we began to watch Little Women. I havent seen the movie in years and sadly, I have never read the novel; so needless to say, I didn't remember most of the plot. Of course, last time I saw the movie, I was much younger and had not yet developed my feminist voice. Therefore, watching it in class felt much different than the first time. I loved the feel of the movie. The entire plot is about strong women. Yet, they adapt to social norms in term of wearing corsets, tending to the house, etc. However, personally I dont thinkt hat adapting to social norms, assuming that you don't mind these norms, is not a bad thing, nor does it mean that these women aren'f feminist. I feel that if a woman likes to tend to the house etc then she should. This is one problem that I have with the feminist movement. I feel that at times, it says that women shouldn't be the classic housewife; that they should go out and make a difference. When, yes, women should go out and make a difference and exceed men's expectations, some women want the traditional lifestyle. Does this mean those women are not feminist?

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